So I thought it would be fun to write about something that is not directly yoga or meditation related. Even though that is my lifestyle haha. Awareness is everything, and for me it is really important to be present and conscious of what I say and do. Perhaps now in lockdown, as most of us have adapted to a new way of living, we are all discovering things about ourselves and doing a lot of things differently?
Any situation or experience is pleasant, unpleasant or neutral. Below is my personal take on random things that are new to me and that I have found pleasant, unpleasant or feel neutral about since lockdown. Maybe you feel tempted to make your own overview to become aware of what has changed for you? Without any judgement of course. It is good to bring acceptance to any experience we may have, and also remember that we are all doing our best in the situation we find ourselves in.
So here’s my list:
- Becoming super appreciative for the space in our home. I am currently living with my two grown-up children – one working from home and one doing her uni-studies – and it has been easy to divide up the space into functional areas for all of us.
- Spending more time in our garden. Having easy access to a green space right outside and having outdoor space for our dog when we’re not out walking has felt like luxury. And it is.
- Spring! Seeing everything blossoming around has been invaluable for morale. Do you also find this spring more beautiful than any other?
- Teaching online yoga classes via zoom – learning something new and enjoying it a lot. I like feeling I am growing. It also makes me feel a bit trendy, but that’s just me, I know.
- The excitement of finding “normal pasta” or eggs or the “right” kind of milk when I am out grocery shopping. And feeling so grateful for having small shops around the corner that sell everything we need at the moment.
- Cold water at the end of my shower. Totally inspired by The Iceman Wim Hof, and I am doing it to feel fresh, new and alive as I step into a new day.
- Knowing that once the virus situation is over I will have to find a new home. It seemed fun before but now just uncertain.
- Living without a washing machine. The one we had broke just before lockdown and now no one can enter our home to install a new one. Fingers crossed for the new scheduled delivery mid-May.
- More manual washing up as our dishwasher broke a couple of weeks ago. This would be no problem with one person, but now that we are three adults often eating at different times, the sink easily builds up with dirty dishes. I should probably also mention more house cleaning?
- Of course not meeting up with my friends and family or being able to travel for holidays and plan the year ahead.
- From not being interested in the news to following it daily – in two countries! (here and Norway). Since I know I would hear about everything happening anyway I’d like to go back to not checking daily. It would be better for my mind.
- Not knowing when the virus situation is going to end. I feel it is both good and bad as it challenges me to let go of control and accepting life as it is. To letting be and letting go as they would say in mindfulness meditation. It might become unpleasant at some point.
- Grey hair! Luckily I read a book by the French writer and fashion critic Sophie Fontanel called “L’apparition” a couple of months ago. Here she describes how she embraced getting her long hair grey. Or rather white. She is actually quite famous in France now for stopping colouring her hair and she is super cool.
- Missing facials or going to the hairdresser? No, not really. At the moment I should add. Except for missing the feeling of relaxation I always get when I go. Happy for my hair to grow longer. I recently did an online tutorial with a local business called Elaine Grace Therapies where I learned about gua sha, the ancient Chinese self-care facial practice. So I am now “gua sha’ing away” and feel convinced my skin is benefitting immensely. Both skin and hair are now fully allowed to breathe. I like living in a natural way.
- Having less fun with fashion. But I assure you that is only for the time being!!
Take care everyone, and wishing you all well X