There is one addiction most people on the planet suffer from and that is obsessive thinking. Whether it is 6,000 or 60,000 thoughts each of us have per day it is a lot! COVID news stimulates a lot of difficult thoughts. No wonder we struggle more than usual in these turbulent times.
The practice of mindfulness meditation helps tune in to the present moment where we are not thinking about the past or worrying about the future. Thoughts connect to emotions and sensations in the body. Taking care of our mind by Pausing, Breathing – coming into Being – is vital for our mental health and overall wellbeing.
Here are some practical tips that will help your mind and nervous system come to more calmness:
• Waking up in the morning, allow yourself one hour before switching on your phone. Instead, take a few conscious breaths and bring to mind something you are grateful for. Have a look out of your window. Take in the scenery and listen to the sounds. Eat your breakfast or have your morning coffee while allowing yourself time to notice the taste.
• During your day, care for what you allow into your mind. Limit the time you spend taking in the news. Take mini-breaks to follow the breath coming in and going out, arrive in the present moment. Go for a walk in nature. Always look for the good.
• Change up the way you go to bed. Start by escorting your phone out of the bedroom! Opt out of checking the news just before switching off the light. Instead, come back to gratitude. How about writing down five or ten things you are grateful for before going to sleep?
• Join a mindfulness meditation group to re-mind yourself that you are here, now, in this moment.
Annette is local to Wimbledon Village and teaches mindfulness meditation and yoga via Zoom.
Mindfulness sessions: Monday, Wednesday and Friday 5-5.30pm. £15 for the week with choice to join 1, 2 or all 3 sessions. To book, please email