There are things I would like to change in my life. I have noticed I find it is easy to get discouraged when results are not showing up fast enough. And so I can give up. I have finally come to understand and accept it is by doing the small things on a consistent basis that bigger change happens. This is giving me renewed inspiration.
To illustrate this, the way I take care of my wellbeing comes to mind. I have sometimes been wondering, if I didn’t include joint care in my yoga practice, how would my joints be now? How would my ankles move, how would my shoulder joints feel? If I didn’t regularly move my spine in all the ways it is designed to move, how would my body feel? How would I feel? How would I feel without yoga? (haha stuck!) How would my tennis be without this movement practice? What if I didn’t have my daily dog walks for fresh air and nature? And what about meditation? If I hadn’t started meditating several years ago when everything was so out of balance in my life, how would I perceive life now? Would I feel less alive starting my day if I didn’t take time to be with my breath first thing in the morning before stepping out of bed?
We all have our preferred ways of bringing wellness into our lives. What works for one person may not be right for someone else. It is the small things we choose to do on a regular basis that have an effect on our personal wellbeing. Two minutes here, five minutes there, one hour two-three times a week, it all counts and results will show when we allow for consistency. Good to know for any impatient person out there who wants results straight away!
Just for the sake of it, perhaps you would like to take a moment now to acknowledge all the good things you are doing for your own wellbeing. Congratulate yourself for taking the time to care for you.
My examples above are about wellbeing. Consistency can of course be applied to anything that matters to you. The small moments, the small steps, one at the time, they all add up and contribute to the life you want to create for yourself.
Thank you Helene Arentz for the photo!