The power of the mind is incredible and I believe there is no need to go anywhere to feel good. Still, I have to admit it sometimes helps a lot to take a pause in life and go away. I was on holiday for a few weeks and noticed how good it felt. Physical distance sometimes just works.
Have you noticed how finding yourself somewhere else than “where your problems are located” can free you up? Although your mind comes with you wherever you go, when you spend time somewhere new your senses pick up different information. You see a new landscape and breathe in different air. You hear different sounds and eat different food. What is happening is that you step out of your automatic way of living for a moment. It is like offering a break for your whole being. Aaaah, freedom! The sound in your head of daily problems is turned down and space for curiosity and creativity opens up. You feel happy and light.
How to maintain an open mind once you come back home? You meditate. Haha, writing this I clearly see I need to up my meditation time to keep my mind spacious.
Wishing you well,
Annette X